We specialise in back pain treatment.

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At Innate Health Chiropractic we take a thorough and specific approach to your back pain treatment.

Whether you are suffering from pain or stiffness in the back, we have the expertise and tools to get you back on track by providing exceptional tailored chiropractic care.

Back pain is perhaps the most common condition we treat day in and day out and the main reason people initially visit a chiropractor, as well as a common reason for visiting the GP*. 

Our goal is to expertly assess and diagnose your pain in order to provide the best form of chiropractic care to get you better, out of pain and feeling at your best. Our non-surgical treatment aims to reduce pain and symptoms leaving you feeling much better after just a short initial course of treatment.

Where does your back pain come from?

Back pain most commonly relates to issues in the lower back and pelvic area, but it may also be associated with other conditions such as:


Leg pain or groin pain

Muscle spasm, tightness and tension

Postural imbalance or changes to the curvature of the spine (such as scoliosis)

Hip, knee or ankle problems

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Disc problems such as bulging, disc hernia or prolapse

Slipped disc

Whilst back pain tends to focus on the one area, you would be surprised how it can affect other areas of the body, from the longest nerve muscles to spine pains, the legs and neck pain.

We can help

your back discomfort

On our initial consultation, we perform a number of tests to determine the main areas affected. This will help us address the symptoms in the most proficient and optimal manner to get you back to feeling and functioning at your best. The main assessments involve checking spinal movement and determining where joint movement is restricted, particularly in the lower back vertebrae and pelvic joints.

We will also assess your muscle function to see where there is tension and functional weakness. Joint restriction and muscle tension are two of the biggest causes of back problems. Our approach looks at the body in its entirety because a holistic approach means we can get to the root cause of the problem and aim to get a long-term resolution, not simply short-term pain relief. 

We offer a range of treatments, gradually introducing different techniques to both strengthen and solidify the areas and structures around the spine which support your chiropractic treatment. You can trust the team at Innate Health who have worked wonders for so many patients with our varied treatment approach.

What is causing my back pain?

Most cases of back pain are classified as ‘mechanical’ and are the result of accumulated stress on the spine. Most commonly we see lower back problems associated with long periods of sitting (such as office workers), because sitting involves more loading in the spine. This over time leads to compression of the joints and discs, accumulation of muscle tension, and postural changes or imbalance.

Back pain can also result from sprains or strains to the soft tissues, improper or overloaded movement such as lifting, and as a consequence of ‘wear and tear’ (age-related or trauma-related degeneration).

Fortunately, most causes of lower back pain aren’t medically serious, but if there are any concerns, we will refer you to your GP for further investigation.
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The Sciatic Nerve

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We can help

my back alongside chiropractic care

Ensuring that you are fit and active is important for your spine. Contrary to popular belief, bed rest is not advised for most back pain cases. Indeed strengthening and stretching your spine with exercise is shown to help in many cases of back pain

This can include yoga, pilates, core stability and strengthening exercises, as well as more general fitness like walking, cycling, gardening and sports.

We can also help with…


*Margham T. Musculoskeletal disorders: time for joint action in primary care. Br J Gen Pract. 2011 Nov; 61(592):657-8. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X601541. PMID: 22054314; PMCID: PMC3207066.
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