Chiropractic Treatment at Innate Health – serving Exeter & Devon
Find out how Chiropractic Treatment can get to the root cause of your of your symptoms and pain.

Chiropractic Treatment Work?
Chiropractic treatment engages with the nervous system, focusing on the spine and nerves, to restore balance and ease throughout the body. It transcends conventional healthcare methods of merely alleviating pain, by embracing a holistic approach that allows the body to use its innate ability to heal itself.
The aim of a chiropractor is to ensure your spine and other joints have unrestricted movement, a balanced posture, and no undue muscle tension. This means the body can function correctly, allowing it to adapt and cope with the stresses and strains of daily life. When it comes to the health of your spine and joints, a chiropractor is the best health professional to get you back on track.
At Innate Health Chiropractic we take the time to get to know you and your body so that we can tailor a specific approach to your care.
Our Expertise In Chiropractic Treatment Makes Us Unique
Commonly Conditions We Successfully Treat
Acute and chronic back pain
Headaches arising from the neck
Neck pain and stiffness
Migraine prevention
Shoulder and rotator cuff complaints
Some sports injuries
Elbow pain & tennis arm assoc. with the spine
Sciatica & Pinched nerves
Symptoms due to tension and inability to relax
Joint pain i.e hips & knees
Muscle spasm & cramp
Pain & discomfort during Pregnancy
Neuro Impulse Protocol (NIP) Chiropractic
This led Jake to travel to Australia to train under him and subsequently in multiple countries worldwide.
You can find out more about NIP here.
Fascial Dynamics
Sacro Occipital Technique
Chiropractic Adjustments - What to Expect
Adjusting the spine, also referred to as spinal manipulation, is the classic form of chiropractic treatment. Our chiropractors use precise adjustments to the affected area of the spine to restore movement and function. Chiropractic treatments can be adapted for the individual patient to cater for their age, requirements and needs. Whether gentle, low-force adjustments or more deep structural adjustments.
It is perfectly normal to feel and hear a clicking or popping sound with a spinal adjustment. This is purely air in the joint being displaced with the movement. It is rarely uncomfortable when performed correctly and most people feel immediate relief and benefit from treatment

For Wellness
Chiropractic is one of the best ways to keep your spine and body healthy, in a totally natural way.
We all benefit from having a healthy, properly functioning spine and nervous system. So having chiropractic treatment solely for wellness purposes can insure your body stays at its optimum.
Those under regular chiropractic care realise how effective it is to keep them well and at their best.
Evidence shows that regular maintenance visits can be effective at preventing recurrence of back pain.

For Pregnancy
Pregnancy involves many changes to the body including the softening of ligaments, increase in weight and changes to posture. This can create additional pressure on joints, particularly in the spine or pelvis.