How to Choose a great Chiropractor near me

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Many people in pain looking for a great chiropractor will often search for ‘Chiropractor near me’. This will show you search results of local chiropractors in your area, in our case Exeter. In this blog we’ll discuss some things to look out for to help you find the right one for you. 

Referrals and Word of Mouth

Getting a recommendation or referral from a friend or family member is one of the best ways to find an excellent chiropractor in your area. If someone has had a great positive experience, this can give you confidence that he or she is well skilled and adept. It can put you as ease and give you more confidence if you hear a good story from someone you know. 

Remember you don’t need a GP referral to visit a chiropractor. 

Google Reviews

A good practice will have glowing reviews! This is a great way to gauge what other people are saying about that chiropractor and the practice.

It can help to read stories of what people came in for and how they benefited. There should be a range of good reviews covering all manner of problems, such as lower back painneck pain, sciaticaheadache and many more. This can give a really good impression to the person searching for a local chiropractor in Exeter. Beware of practices that have lots of 5 star reviews but no text. You want to see genuine reviews with a real story from local people. Be sure to read our fabulous reviews!

If the practice is relatively new, they may not have a lot of reviews yet, so quality can be better than quantity. 


Check out the chiropractors’ website. All chiropractors work differently and have different styles and methods of treatment. The website will give you a good idea of the approach he or she uses.

The website will tell you how they like to work. Some are more holistic than others, and incorporate several different techniques or specialties. 

The vibe of the place can be important. This should reflect in the branding and style. A good attentive chiropractor that cares well for their patients will care about their practice setting. It should be clean and well maintained, with good modern equipment. 

Social Media

It’s hard not to be influenced these days by the likes of Facebook and Instagram. Many chiropractors will have social media accounts. These can be really informative, with helpful tips that discuss how chiropractic works or how chiropractic can help. They often share videos of exercises to help with back pain or neck pain, or video segments of a treatment session. An active account can showcase that practice and give you a vibe of how they work and the approach they take.

Check out our Facebook page here.

Follow us on Instagram as well here.

Is the price right?

Some people will base their decisions on price. Remember as in most things in life, you get what you pay for. If you choose a chiropractor because they are cheaper than someone else, you may not get the level of care you deserve. Bear in mind that some chiropractors invest heavily in their training to become highly skilled and the best they can be. This comes at a huge cost for that chiropractor. They may invest a lot of money in their practice and equipment, whilst others may not.

Google rankings

Google uses many different parameters in how it ranks your local chiropractor. When you search ‘Chiropractor near me’ or ‘Chiropractor Exeter’, it will take into account many factors such as reviews, longevity, proximity to you, and relevance.  Don’t assume that the top three listings are the best. One of the biggest factors in google rankings is how long the practice has been around. So you may have a mediocre chiropractor that ranks higher than an excellent chiropractor simply because they have been established in the local area for longer. Be sure to visit the websites of several different chiropractors so you can get a good feel that resonants well with you. 

Speaking to the Chiropractor

Don’t be afraid to call the practice and ask questions. Some people will want to know if the chiropractor can help specifically with their particular problem. If you are unsure, ask them. For instance, if you’re looking for chiropractic treatment for your baby, some chiropractors are well trained in that particular area, others perhaps are not. The technique(s) used by the chiropractor can also be an important component of whether they can help you or not. Be sure to feel confident in how the chiropractor responds to you. Read more about our techniques; NIP (Neuro Impulse Protocol), SOTCFD


There are many factors to consider when searching for the right chiropractor for you. Searching chiropractor near me will show you different practices, but how they rank on Google is not necessarily what’s important to you. Be sure to check out the reviews of the chiropractor, get a feel for them by reading through their website, and give them a call if you want to find out more. A recommendation from someone you know and trust can be the most important factor in finding the best local chiropractor in your area. 

For any queries or questions feel free to contact us by clicking here.

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